The Flight to Neverland from "Hook" by John Williams
Raiders March by John Williams (Conducted by MaryAnn Moss)
Theme from Schindler's List by John Williams (Sean Topham; Solo Cello)
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire by John Williams and Patrick Doyle; arr by Jerry Brubaker
A Tribute to John Williams adapted by Paul Lavender
Highlights from Jurassic Park by John Williams arr by Calvin Custer
The Cowboys by John Williams
Across the Stars by John Williams
Concertino fur Klarinette und Orchester (MaryAnn Moss; Clarinet)
Gabriel's Oboe from The Mission by Ennio Morricone, arr. Robert Longfield (Shelby Moyes Batis; Oboe)
Song of Hope by Peter Meechan (Kelsey Denhalter and Suzanne Hill; Trumpet Duet)
Sabre Dance from Gayane Ballet by Aram Khachaturian (Samual Silva; Xylophone)
His Majesty the Tuba by Robert Dowling, arr by Jacob Cameron (Jordan Flocken; Tuba)
Ballade Op. 288 by Carl Reinecke (Krystle Fryzel; Flute)
Apres un Reve by Gabriel Faure for Solo Cello (Christopher Green; Cello)
Scherzo by Sheri Throop
The Lark Ascending by Ralph Vaughn Williams; Sarah J. Pehrson Solo Violin